Seasonal Depression | Teen Ink

Seasonal Depression

May 22, 2019
By Minze BRONZE, Meridian, Idaho
Minze BRONZE, Meridian, Idaho
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Trials will only be a mere moment in the end of it all.

Leaves of green and orange below

These paper scraps crunch whilst wind blows

The vanilla beiges will fast quick, I know

I’m aware autumn may soon be a ghost

Wintertime despondency will surely come

A tuxedo of gloom will consume me in glum

The coffee tone of my hair will darken its look

My emotions might read like an open book

But I’ll be ok afterwards, as I tend

After all, I’ve gone through this several years on end

The author's comments:

I used to have severe depression that worsened in the winter. Now, after hospitalization for attempted suicide, I have the help and medicine I need. I still have some seasonal depression, but I am overall a much happier person and now know I can get through anything.

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