In hell | Teen Ink

In hell

May 28, 2019
By Shambhavi PLATINUM, Rourkela, Other
Shambhavi PLATINUM, Rourkela, Other
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Stars are made to shine in the sky✨✨🤘...

i once walked with feet nimble and soft

face with no trace of malaise


with all the happiness of the world

the path was all roses and lilies


but, this hell

burnt these feet of mine

black and scarred

this empty stomach couldn't be satisfied

even with the tiniest bit of morsel


in both actuality and dreams 

i see me burned to ashes

The author's comments:

I saw a photo of a man sleeping on the footpath. The condition of that man was unbearable. It played in my mind very often..This piece is for him

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