Society | Teen Ink


June 20, 2019
By L_Parkel SILVER, Stamford, Connecticut
L_Parkel SILVER, Stamford, Connecticut
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” — Helen Keller.

What is good enough?

Perfect hair perfect eyes?

Perfect smile perfect thighs?

Why can't I be good enough?

When will good enough truly be enough?

I can't live with my obnoxious laugh or my moppy brown hair.

My talents and my grades are enough for me

Yet they’re not enough for society.

Because I’m not a model

and because I don't do what everyone else does.

I am not good enough for society.

What if society is wrong.

What if I am good enough and my laugh is fun,

And my curly hair is a work of art.

Society is making me not love myself.

But what if I can love myself and I can change society.

I can't come to terms with myself because of society

But really it's society that cant come to terms with me.

I don't need to be in a place where I am judged.

The hate and judgment is just to make me feel like im not worthy.

In real life nobody is worthy.

Everyone is judged even if its by themselves or others.

You can't escape judgment but maybe you can stop it.

Share your love for others and show that society is wrong.

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