The Assasin | Teen Ink

The Assasin

June 21, 2019
By Shambhavi PLATINUM, Rourkela, Other
Shambhavi PLATINUM, Rourkela, Other
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stars are made to shine in the sky✨✨🤘...

a shadow
carved out of the night
strolling  the streets
blending with the people
none know 
who is going to breathe his last
she lazily smiles 
at the bright hustling crowd
someone has to die here
a dagger concealed in her cape
she watches the drunkard 
like a lion its prey
her lips curl into a smirk
as she drives in the blade
none to say a thing
as she gets away in the dark

The author's comments:

I recently read Sarah J. Maas' book 'The Assasin's Blade' . It certainly inspired me to write this piece

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