Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2019
By SammieCC BRONZE, Washougal, Washington
SammieCC BRONZE, Washougal, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." -Aristotle

I’m from warm bread and a hundred foot jump

From dirty dishes and steaming pans

I am from the place where family abounds and flour stains our shirts

Our hearts are full and our bowls never empty

I hail down from northern countries and still listen to their songs

I am from Lords and Ladies high in their court

I’m from a farm, warm and muggy with the animals grazing

from loud Christmas Eves and one too many cookies 

I’m from a slowly roaming family as I am left behind waving my hand goodbye,

from long hikes in the cool woods I think of what I have

I’m from movies and late nights, wrestling and painting,

from games and books that took me on wonderful journeys

I am from the crashing waves and sandy feet, crunching shells and salty air

From the sea to the  river I used to float

I am from “plus one” and “see you soon” a town made of family,

I am from hazel eyes and loving thoughts,

from folded arms and soft words, we see each other once a week

The author's comments:

This was originaly a school project but my teacher said that I should look at Teenink. I thought why not... so I did. This really inspired me to put up mhy poem, even if no one reads what I put up I still feel that I'm doing somthing good.

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