Legacy | Teen Ink


September 19, 2019
By playboicart BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
playboicart BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was from the sun,

from the dreamy and sinful.

I was from the palm trees of Laguna.

I was the child tracking a bucket’s worth of sand with him when leaving the beach.

The burgers and fries consumed at In-N-Out.

From the Angel games where I lost my first tooth,

and the excitement as I was shown on the jumbotron shortly after. 

I was from an elated childhood.

I was from Long Beach, California.

I am from my dad’s gray sleek Porsche.

From our weekend family breakfasts at the Lumber Inn,

always sitting at the counter watching as our eggs scramble and bacon crisps.

I am from the friendships created in the hallways and classroom of my high school, 

and sadly the ones lost through differences and maturing. 

I’m from passing my driver's test and seeing the fear in my parent's eye as I drive off.

I am from the tiring and sweaty football practices under the summer sun.

I am from the powdery white winters I enjoy while snowboarding,

and stubbornly refusing to wear a helmet.

I am from my teenage years.

I am from southern Wisconsin.

I strive to live in the warmth,

to escape the exhausting winters.

I hope to graduate from college and pursue a career that won’t feel a burden.

I aim to be a loving husband and a caring father, 

to be the best dog dad I can be. 

I strive to continue to cherish God and remember to put his love first.

I hope to be helping my community.

I will be happy. 

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