My Tree Of Life | Teen Ink

My Tree Of Life

September 19, 2019
By JRud22 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
JRud22 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sprout from the seeds of my grandparents,

who taught me determination through starting a company under their name, CJ and Associates.

I am watered by my mom and dad,

who raised me respectful, responsible, and hardworking, who taught me to live my own life. 

I stem from the lake,

where my family taught me how to live in the northwoods.

I grow from the courts and fields,

baseball, basketball, and football taught me teamwork and dedication.

I gain my bark from hunting and fishing,

becoming the nature lover and outdoorsman I am at heart.

I branch out with school,

learning business and life skills every day.

I leaf from everybody I meet,

living in the shoes of others and achieving my personal satisfaction everyday.

My leaves change from the relationships that come with the wind and leave with the rain,

where I understand where others come from and what they are about.

My roots grow from my loved ones,

who show me love and make me stronger.

I sprout from the seeds of my grandparents,

and I am watered by my mom and dad.

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