On My Own | Teen Ink

On My Own

September 19, 2019
By 1gomezdelatorre SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
1gomezdelatorre SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am afraid of losing hope,

proving my sister right with her saying “you’re not ready to be on your own.”

Running away from how I feel with those words right behind me trapping me with no one to hear.


I am afraid of moving on, 

of being torn apart from my loved ones, 

leaving me empty with no one to count on.

I am afraid of having to be independent, 

of traveling on a path for miles,

 fighting danger on my own.

I am afraid of disappointing Mom and Dad, 

 putting myself down and not allowing to be who I want to be, 

with the world on my shoulders counting on me. 

I am afraid of being on my own, 

of having to take this journey alone, 

but I know with time I will be able to succeed, and show the world what I can be.

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