White Walls | Teen Ink

White Walls

September 19, 2019
By 0mills BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
0mills BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from a room closed in by empty white walls, a room 

never occupied by anyone besides me, a room 

where I started new.

I’m from a room with a mirror above a light wood dresser, a room

scattered with unfinished board games across the light gray carpet, a room

where I read books far past my bedtime.

I’m from a room where One Direction posters used to cover the walls, a room

where I hid my candy from my pestering brothers, a room

I spent my afternoons frustrated with homework.

I’m from a room with my computer laying atop a glass desk, a room

where I talked with friends into the AM, a room

where I could never seem to fall asleep.

I’m from a room where my pictures are neatly taped onto the walls, a room

illuminated by my computer’s screen, a room

where I edit my ideas into realities.

I’m from a room closed in by empty white walls, a room

never to be occupied by me again, a room

where I left to start new.

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