S'awesome | Teen Ink


September 19, 2019
By JJPfanny BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
JJPfanny BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments


The Smell.

Five blocks down the street I smell the juicy burger.

Wondering towards the mouth-watering scent.

The Wendy’s sign appears my stomach grumbles like I haven't eaten in days.

The Look.

Craving a delicious S’awesome burger. No beating a thick quarter pound meat patty cooked to perfection, three strips of apple-wood smoked bacon, melted American cheese, crisp iceberg lettuce, onion, pickle, and sweet tangy signature sauce.


The Taste.

The first bite immediately triggers my mouth to water and taste buds to tingle. 

The explosion of sweet tangy juiciness flows through my mouth.

The taste of a king’s burger.

The Feeling.

The aftermath of feasting.

Rumbles of food dropping down.

Walking out, until the next opportunity for a S’awesome burger.

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