Lucy in a nutshell | Teen Ink

Lucy in a nutshell

September 20, 2019
By ahs20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahs20 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Crammed between school and work

My head spins and I panic as I see the days go by

Dad: “You need to not be so lazy.”

Family of 7

Hartland area

Mom: “You don’t know what it’s like to live outside of Hartland.”

Five siblings

But, wouldn’t trade them for anything 

Friends: “Oh, that’s a lot.”

Sheltered from the outside

Yet, been around the world 

 Dad: “No, that place is dangerous.”

Loves to try new things.

Sports, food, cities, clothes

 Mom and Dad: “You can do whatever you want in life.”

Friends, memories, and more

No, I never get bored

 Dad: “Are you never not with people.”

Always wanting to keep busy

Sometimes, I get myself in a tizzy

Dad and mom: “Come home, you haven’t been home all summer.”

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