A Dream | Teen Ink

A Dream

September 20, 2019
By Kmesching BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Kmesching BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A dream began in 1986. An inexperienced and ambitious woman,

in her kitchen...

with a family recipe.

A dream sprung to life:

a dream to make mustard the old fashion way,

the way my great grandmother made it.

A dream on the East Shore of Beaver lake,

 where the company got its name (East Shore Specialty Foods),

 and the packaging got its design (A topographical map of Beaver Lake).

A dream constructed within a new building,

filled with the smell of fresh concrete,

the sound of the last worker leaving the jobsite,

hearing her voice echoing through the American dream,

her voice echoes back,

 eager yet uncertain.

A dream constructed with the first employees,

a son,

a daughter,

working ten hour shifts,

six days a week,

to barely make ends meet.

A dream constructed with the first new machine,

imported from Italy, 

glistening with the hopes of making it a few more years.

The machine,

 still foreign to the American dreamers,

casts an uncertain shadow upon their dream.


A dream flourishes with the first customers,

friends from High School,

stopping in to catch up on old times.

A dream flourishes with the first out of state order,

sent off to Maine,

to be sold in a small shop,

on the corner of a small town street,

all the way from a 

small town in Wisconsin.

A dream flourishes with a new generation of employees,

four grandchildren,

three boys and a girl,

keeping the family company 


living out their grandmother’s dream.

A dream began with an inexperienced and ambitious woman.

A dream constructed with a son and daughter.

A dream flourishes with a third generation.

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