Fire Pit | Teen Ink

Fire Pit

September 20, 2019
By 1millerj BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1millerj BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from sports,

pushed into them to be my dad’s clone.

If only I followed his steps, he could truly call me his own.

But I didn’t agree with the path my dad led.

I wanted to pursue the art of technology,

not coach wrestling until I rest dead.

I am from flickering flames.

Sitting under the trees around a friend’s stone fire pit,

life being no more complicated than this.

But now I have to take action on my dreams,

while looking over my shoulder looms a dad no more than disappointed,

although these experiences help me understand life cannot be just bliss.

I am excited for college and the career I prepare to pursue, 

moving to a new state and creating my new path,

maybe with the same friends from the stone fire pit I knew.

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