The Good Life | Teen Ink

The Good Life

September 20, 2019
By Criversb15 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Criversb15 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments


I am from a place where I am incongruous to the rest.

a place where I am a rose among thorns.

Mom and dad say money does not grow on trees

but I watch the other kids dance in the forest of wealth.

I am from a place where a house is not a home. 

A place where towering brick structures glisten in the sunlight. 

I stand with my jaw on the floor wondering what it would be like

to live with the king and the queen.


I am from a place where roosters are alarms,

a place where the old barn stands stronger than I am.

Mom and Dad ask me where my friends are.

I tell them in their castles.

I am from a place where a tractor is the first toy,

a place where land is as precious as gold.

The girls at school flaunt their new shoes while

I smile down at my rainboots.


I am from a place small, but full.

A place where a family is stronger than thunder’s winged force.

Cries of loneliness echo inside the castle,

tears dried with the stacks of green paper.

I am from a place where angels dance on the roof,

a place where danger never lingers.

The doors are always left unlocked

but I will never leave.

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