Skis&Sails | Teen Ink


September 20, 2019
By LES BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
LES BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Where I am from there are skis in the winter and sails in the summer

I am from hitting the gates and slipping the course

I am from pulling the ropes and hiking the boat

Where I am from water—whether frozen or liquid—is very common

Where I am from snow glues my hair together and water sprays in my face

I am from snow, ice, and sleet

I am from storms, partly cloudy, and sunshine

Where I am from weather conditions make or break the day

Where I am from my ski goggles and sunglasses are always on

I am from hand warmers within my gloves and race suits with large tears

I am from spray gear for windy days and life jacket tan lines

Where I am from a helmet or a hat is a necessity

Where I am from injuries are just a given

I am from my ski boots being too tight and broken equipment

I am from the boom smashing into my head and red rope burn on my hands

Where I am from fear doesn't hold me back from taking risks

Where I am from there are 6 am starts and 10 pm close-downs

I am from car rides that never seem to end

I am from being in a new place every weekend

Where I am from being exhausted is a routine

Where I am from I am in the open air more frequently than inside

I am from hills and mountains

I am from lakes and oceans

Where I am from, each day is a new adventure

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