Endless Changes | Teen Ink

Endless Changes

September 20, 2019
By K_P16 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
K_P16 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a list of settings⸺

corn riddled fields flung into cracked, boxed homes.

I am from towns where no one knows one another,

areas with names everyone knows.

I am from chatter, hushed wind,

gossip and silence.

I am from a place known as home⸺

people that are now distant memories, remain memories.

I am from new names and new faces, 

people to call mine.

I am from one place to another⸺

town to town, city to city.

I am from broken glass⸺

the ones who were forever, are now despised. 

I am from a forever family turned against one another,

the ones I loved in the past are now enemies.

I am from fights and outrages⸺

the never-ending yells of ones who loved.

I am from changing thoughts⸺

knowing to the unknown aspects of the human mind.

I am from happiness, spiraled into anger,

mother and kin fights outrage as trust continues to shatter.

I am from the bipolar and anxious⸺

swirling thoughts that no one can decipher nor escape.

I am from the new and old⸺

from light to dark groups, all has changed.

I am from the acceptable and unwelcomed of people,

groups have changed as people switch up.

I am from the dark group⸺

the wrong and forgotten that society can’t seem to handle.

I am from ongoing changes⸺

the new loved ones are filled with excitement.

I am from a new lifestyle, laughter, and loss,

the ones crowds frown upon in the distance, never to look back.

I am from the ones I’ve grown to love⸺

behind the color black, no one knows the truth.

The author's comments:

This poem is about the changes that I have been through. For example, family changes, house changes, friend changes, and self thoughts.

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