Let me introduce myself | Teen Ink

Let me introduce myself

September 20, 2019
By Lorb BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
Lorb BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments


“It’s hard to beat someone who never gives up.”- Babe Ruth

Nothing phases me on the baseball field. 

The pitcher could be throwing 95, 

I would still hit it out of the park,

succeeding in every challenge.

 From saving relationships, 

to game saving plays on the diamond.

Making the most of every moment. 


Elegantly carved from hard work and persistence. 

From the Freshman team to a committed college player.

Doing what others don’t today 

so I can have what they want tomorrow. 


When I got benched this past year, 

I found myself and improved

 getting my spot back in no time.  

When life puts me in tough situations,

I say “try me” instead of “why me”. 

Hard Work is who I am.


The author's comments:

I worked very hard on this. This is very orginial, it tells you a lot about myself and my character. Enjoy :) 

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