Changing Life | Teen Ink

Changing Life

September 20, 2019
By JEB16 BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
JEB16 BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from apple filled streets— 

fast speeds and no cars.

I am from open land—

vegetation and zero friends.

I am from five stories—

fireplaces and twelve foot ceilings.

I am from WildWood Point Road—

four wheelers and lake trips.

I am from pine cones—

willow trees and fresh breeze. 

I am from still streets—

hills and rusted Jeeps. 

I am from crickets chirping— 

bullfrogs roaring and deer prancing. 

I am from 5,000 square feet—

six bedrooms and two kitchens. 

I am from decayed trucks—

sunflowers and corn fields. 

I am from blasting country music—

bonfires and dirt. 

I am from half acre yards—

green trees and crystal waters.

I am from sparkling stars—

2018 cars and a two campus school. 

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