My World | Teen Ink

My World

September 20, 2019
By drum BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
drum BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everyone is a hero in their own story

I come from a world that doesn’t use words, but sounds. BOOM, BANG, CRASH. Although I was not particularly adequate in learning the language of sounds, I still loved it. BOOM, BANG, CRASH. I can still remember going trying to play the snare drum in 8th grade, I just couldn’t do it. BOOM, BANG, CRASH. As time went on, I learned to be better at using these sounds, to create beautiful artworks. BOOM. BANG. CRASH. 

I come from a world that got more difficult as I got older. BOOM, BANG, CRASH. I still struggle while learning, like when I hit the bass drum on beat 1 instead of beat 2 on the grandisimo of the song and it sounded awful, but mistakes like that help me learn. BOOM, BANG, CRASH. I realized there was so much about stick technique and strange grips and bizarre instruments that it intimidated me. BOOM, BANG, CRASH. But I realized that’s why I keep learning, to eventually one day master it all and become a great musician. BOOM, BANG, CRASH.

I come from a world that I am uncertain about. BOOM, BANG, CRASH. I don’t know what’s to come. BOOM, BANG, CRASH. I would love to make a career out of my ability to make these amazing collages of noise, but I don’t know if I can. BOOM, BANG, CRASH. At the very least I want to share my talent with the world, so everyone can see what I’m capable of. BOOM, BANG CRASH.

The author's comments:

This is a peice about my journey through music, and a little about me.

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