Sunrise | Teen Ink


October 9, 2019
By jimmerfredette SILVER, Lisbon, Wisconsin
jimmerfredette SILVER, Lisbon, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The water,

calms like a warm blanket.

The sun,

waits to peek her head over the horizon.

The boat,

rocks gently like a baby in their mother’s arms.

The people, 

tired and hungry, waiting for the sun to rise, to get a glimpse of the beauty.

The water,

a gold layer covering it.

The sun,

golden rays protrude from the center.

The boat,

glistening and graceful, mirroring the gentle waves.

The people,

relieved that the long wait is over, the wait they woke up at five for.

The water,

extra deep and cold.

The sun,

shrinking away as it rises in the sky.

The boat,

choppy waves throwing it around, up, and down.

The people, 

cranky now that the wait is over and the fatigue washing over them.

The author's comments:

This piece is about a sunrise I experienced with my family on our boat on Lake Michigan.

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