The Night Sky | Teen Ink

The Night Sky

October 9, 2019
By 0mills BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
0mills BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The feeling of gritty dirt on my feet leads to the old, fractured pier. 

I walk, only the light of the night sky keeping me from 

tripping from the bends and curves of the wood below me.

The wind hollows, and the air is chill. The water radiates a void of 

darkness with light just behind it, wanting to peak out. I setup my tripod, 

choosing the shutter speed, hoping for one worthy shot. 

As the shutter clicks and opens, my eyes focus on the bright strip 

illuminating the darkness that surrounds it, scattered with dimmer 

stars. I hope my picture will express my curiosity and amazement.

I wonder what it’s like to float through space,

to see the stars, nebulas, and planets in three dimensions,

the actual size of the small specks we see from home.

I put my camera back into the black of my bag, the wind comes to a 

screeching stop, and the peerless sound that can be heard is the emptiness

of the lake. 

I set back to my car, scraping over the gritty dirt once more. I slowly 

pull on the hatch to my car. I set my camera bag down, and lay back 

in my seat reminiscing the photo I had just taken. 

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