Elephas maximus | Teen Ink

Elephas maximus

October 9, 2019
By JJPfanny BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
JJPfanny BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The grey mammal stomps across the jungle.

The ground rumbles and animals stumble.

Intelligently, he takes family first.

Attention from rats to rhinos

Presence, like waves to sand.

Eating fruit and grass, he remains underestimated.

Mysterious he is, but quiet he’s not.

Memory like a textbook.

Family first no matter the consequence.

If family jumps the bridge he will follow.

Representing a steel chain.

Heart strong for beliefs.

Smarter than most creatures of the jungle,

he outsmarts with his quick wit.

Forever the biggest land creature on the planet:

The Asian elephant.

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