Reincarnation | Teen Ink


October 10, 2019
By 1lorenz SILVER, Okauchee, Wisconsin
1lorenz SILVER, Okauchee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Take over this world, because it is yours.

Grow as you have never grown before, baby.

The morning sparkles on your seedlings,

whatever you touch belongs to you.

Spread your seed, so you will live on.

Your soft white parachutes float into the blue,

fluttering with the soft breeze, blowing you away.

May you drift into clouds peacefully above the fields,

allowing your grace and power to light the path.

You watch as your brothers and sisters wilt,

with their delicate limbs floating off. 

They slowly droop into the darkness,

their lives—fading to the end.

But the one who lives?

Oh, it is you, young child.

Even in death, you grow and soar.

May you live forever,

 and remember those who did not.

The author's comments:

This poem is about the wild and how dandelions have similar goals to those of powerful people.

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