Perfect Places---National Parks | Teen Ink

Perfect Places---National Parks

October 10, 2019
By LES BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
LES BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rocky Mountain National Park

Elk sit unbothered on the mountainside,

the peaks wrapped in snow.

The water of Bear Lake is calm, untouched.

Arches National Park

Rock formations tower, like bridges—  

the double Os staring at me like eyes.

Landscape arch hangs by a thread.

Canyonlands National Park

On a two-mile hike in the blazing sun, I see 

red rocks carved by the Colorado River. 

Dramatic desert landscapes: a view I can't forget.

Grand Canyon National Park

I look down on the hawks and eagles soaring.

Rocks reveal years of geological history.

A glass walkway stretches out into the canyon.

Zion National Park

I take narrow trails in Antelope Canyon, down

a winding road cutting through the scenic section.

Waterfalls flow beside the hanging gardens.

Bryce Canyon National Park 

The grand staircase reaches up to the sky in

plateaus and hoodoos.

Rim trails wait to be traveled.

Grand Teton National Park

Mountains reflect in the lakes.

Brown bears wander the forests.

The Tetons appear to shoot out of nowhere. 

Yellowstone National Park

Hot springs form rainbows.

Bison roam the grasslands.

And in Wyoming, beauty lives.

Glacier National Park

Mountain goats fight in front of our car.

Turquoise water flows in the valleys.

Clouds cover the mountain peaks.

Badlands National Park

The road loops like a race track,

seen for miles and

layered rocks erode from high-speed winds.

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