I am the Difference | Teen Ink

I am the Difference

October 28, 2019
By lv22 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
lv22 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Voting is expressing. As I make my way to the polls, I appreciate the opportunities I am given; opportunities that reflect my opinions and beliefs. I see others with an “I voted” sticker proudly displayed on their clothes, knowing our views may differ. With respect, I cast my ballot knowing my vote is so small yet so powerful. My vote is more than just a piece of paper, it gives me strength and hope. Strength I can proudly say I made an impact in the election. Hope for the country to prosper, benefiting off of my vote. Participation that depicts the future. I can make a difference.

Voting is fighting. Remembering the women who fought for future generations; suffering for our success. Voting is not only participation, but appreciation for the brave women who stood up for a change. Susan B. Anthony, Ida B. Wells, Elizabeth Cady Staton, women who gave their blood sweat and tears. Freedoms are privileges. Ones that many others don’t have; the right to choose my occupation, lifestyle, and spouse. Some take this for granted, but not me. I can make a difference.

Voting is the future. Voting predicts the next four years; an important four years. Voting affects my life, world, and children. Whether they will live in fear or freedom, sheltered or homeless. My vote isn't just a slip of paper, it’s the future. I am the difference.

The author's comments:

I am very passionate about my freedom to vote and everyone shoudl exercise it. I hope this piece motivates people to use their voice.

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