Flowers | Teen Ink


October 30, 2019
By morgan_kob BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
morgan_kob BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


like life,

they’re fragile. 

at only one touch

they can be broken. 

but the bodies in which

life can be contained 

aren’t as corrupt 

as the mind that controls it. 

inside we’re scared;

inside we’re lost. 

we don’t know what’s happening

when it’s happening. 

the shrubs that 

lie in the ground,

touched and untouched,

passed and unnoticed,

are like us. 

we don’t know how

beautiful we are

until someone else


but like flowers, 

people die. 

and life moves on,

people move on.

The author's comments:

This piece hits personal because I wrote it during a dark time in my life after having previously gotten over a big depression and going back to the reoccurance of the same feelings day after day. 

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