What Do I Really Want? | Teen Ink

What Do I Really Want?

October 31, 2019
By hayleearmstrong SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
hayleearmstrong SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was the fireflies released after I would fall asleep, 

because they have a family too.

I was the separate households,  

since the day I can remember.   

The lifestyle built a routine. 

It was the 2-hour car rides to grandma's cabin.

Not knowing that there would be a last


I am passionate and personable,

 but impatient.

Thinking too hard about others, 

but enjoys time with important people. 

I am the passenger side of my friends' car,

with windows down.

Summer nights listening to that new album,

that everyone is talking about.  

I am easily happy

Little things mean the world.


I want to be the college girl,

Working hard for my future ahead

I want to be the view out of a city apartment 

Living in a large city,

 surrounded by millions of people.

I want to be the trip back home for Christmas

The preparedness to see the place I used to be. 

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