A Time of Thanksgiving | Teen Ink

A Time of Thanksgiving

November 18, 2019
By CapnJackAttack BRONZE, Alvord, Texas
CapnJackAttack BRONZE, Alvord, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do The Thing!" ~by Mr.Kline

People have compared me to others my whole life.

They can’t be thankful for me.

I have learned to become thankful for how I was made,

And who I am made to be,

So why can’t they?

All the critics,

The rude, average jerks in the hallways,

Or even sometimes one type of close,

But not really close,

Supposed friend,

Who you learn now is just a world follower.

Not a friend,

An acquaintance,

A helper.

Just a measly follower of this cruel and wicked place.

They judge.

Secretly and behind doors.

Away from your hearing,

For they can’t and won’t even be mean to your face.

They are just a bunch of cowards.


After awhile,

You get used to popular people pestering your poorly put-together passion.

The consistent tear-me-downs the world illusively creates. 

A trick to confuse you.

To make you not happy.

Not glad or joyous.

Perhaps even to make you not thankful for who you are.

But just remember,

In the end of all of this,

There are still those few kind and trusted people

That currently care constantly for your curious core;

The thing that fuels you,

And leads others.

Some people are thankful for you.

Others may not be,


They just might not have known you well enough,

To truly be thankful that you’re here.

Wanna-be populars may try

To damp your spirits,

To crush your very existence.

And a friend might have agreed,

Which means he’s no longer a friend.

People agree with the non-importants,

The wanna-be populars,

Instead of someone 

That could make them feel important.

Feel wanted and included.

But they chose.

Wrongly since it was with

Secluded, self-important soul seekers,

Wandering around,

Trying to take someone else's being

To satisfy their own grim nature.


There is no helping those lost animations.

They will always be far gone,


Never popular.

The perfect, ironic curse of all time.

Just be thankful you aren’t like that,

Never will be like that.

Appreciate yourself in times

Even when no one else does.

You were made specifically for a reason,

So never doubt the fact that you have a

Purpose perhaps polished and polite,

Not poisoned profusely by profligated pain

Like the popular people of the present.

Granted, some populars are nice people,

But that isn’t always the case.

No matter how people act towards you,

Or how you act towards them,

Just be thankful.

Thankful for yourself being on this Earth,

And thankful that you 

Only have four more years with them.

The author's comments:

This piece was written by me, Jack, for a Poetry Night at our local Coffee shop. As it was the month of Thanksgiving and Thankfulness, the "prompt", if anyone wanted to pursue it, was 'Being Thankful'. I took that and made it into a personal, and hopefully relatable piece of poetry called 'A Time of Thanksgiving'.

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