Two years since it has passed | Teen Ink

Two years since it has passed

October 29, 2020
By jane_asuncion BRONZE, Quezon City, Other
jane_asuncion BRONZE, Quezon City, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You say it’s been two years / since your love has fallen out. / You say it is never coming back / no matter how hard you try.

You say all these things / like it’s no importance at all / yet you still find yourself / in Road Sixty Five / waiting for him to show up / though he never arrives. 

You say it’s been two years / since you said you’re over him / you say you do not give a f*** anymore; / you say you never did / even before.

You say all these things / like it’s no importance at all / yet you still find yourself / succumbing to the thought / that you would not be able to live your life / the moment he dies.

The author's comments:

sometimes we say the words we don't really mean.

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