I Live In A World Of | Teen Ink

I Live In A World Of

November 29, 2020
By jungletree SILVER, Lafayette, California
jungletree SILVER, Lafayette, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)" - Walt Whitman

There was never a room in my mind, only wings

I never had time for china things

They get knocked over with tails and horns

But it's worth it since they keep me warm


When I first retreated all was blank and bare

Until winged creatures came in from somewhere

Entering unbidden may seem bold

But it's worth it since they all were cold


When one of them disappeared somewhere, someway

We all considered it our saddest day

I'd never met him, still I was consoled

It was nice to have someone to hold


I loved them always, they know I still do

There are so many now I don't know who is who

The ancients were wrong, they're not shadows at all

Without dragons I think I would fall


I live in a world of dragons, you see

And when I go traveling, they come with me

I'll always be weeping when their saga ends

Because all of them were my friends.

The author's comments:

I have a lot of thoughts. It's fun to personify them. Also I really love dragons. 

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