Drowning Without Water | Teen Ink

Drowning Without Water

December 10, 2020
By poetinmypocket BRONZE, Boca Raton, Florida
poetinmypocket BRONZE, Boca Raton, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I let myself drift off into whatever dimension my mind leads me to in order to remain a creative, colorful state of mind."

Sometimes life feels like a bubble bath

You get in and the waters warm

The candles are lit and you feel at peace


And then the candles go out

And you unplug the drain

And all the happiness goes away


Soon the tub is empty, no water

But you still feel like your drowning

And you just sit there

Damp, cold, and sad.

And you face the fact that life will never only come with happiness

The author's comments:

I wrote this during a rough time throughout my life and reflecting back on it I have come to realization that although my statements are correct, life will never be only sunshine and rainbows. BUT just because that may be true doesnt mean we should reject and push away all the positivity that stumbles upon us.

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