the caged bird | Teen Ink

the caged bird

December 18, 2020
By Anonymous

It started with an ever so gentle knock,

waiting patiently, day by day for me to open the lock.


It ebbed soon, the silence palpable, but it was too soon to say,

that the knock had forever  gone away,

for its presence was felt,

in the lurking shadows which it dwelt. 


The knock was now a powerful pounding, it sliced through the deafening silence,

it’s ferocity astounding.


Hours blended into days which merged into weeks 

ans i wished the pounding would abate as I can’t give it what it seeks.


The interminable pounding finally silenced, only to pave way for a crying voice.


"Let me go." She cried. Shedding tear after tear, 

which cascaded down her face year after year. 


And year after year I tried desperately to let her go,

to let her loose, to unbind her from her shackles 


But their grasp was to tight ,

and my will was to light

The benefits of setting her free slipped away from my sight,

leaving only the fear that devoured my remaining might.


Would they accept her and let her be

or cut her down like a tree. 


The risk was one I could not take,

so I said to her to give up the wait

for she would never be free,

The next day the person standing in the mirror was only me. 

The author's comments:

This piece represents the view of a conventional society, and how our society today restircts us from drifting away from it's norms, and those who have the courage to do so, find themselves victims of bullying, discrimination, and alienation. This piece is about the part of our personality and the part of ourselves, that most of us conceal from the rest of society, fearing that it will not be considered "normal". In this poem the voice is a personification of the part of my personality that I supress in the fear of being judged for it. By the end of this piece i ignore that part of my personality for so long that it is no longer a part of me.

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