Where I Come From | Teen Ink

Where I Come From

January 6, 2021
By juliamoffat BRONZE, Murray, Utah
juliamoffat BRONZE, Murray, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am from rocky streets and climbing trees,

From boxelder bugs and butterfly wings.

I am from early Sundays and late Wednesdays,

From hamburgers and hot dogs.

I am from rootbeer and summer nights,

From hiding in fall leaves and basketball games.

I am from dogs barking and brothers fighting, 

From my amazing family and game nights.

I am from swimming and playing tag,

From “You’re driving me crazy,” to “Your my best friend.”

I am from a really good book on Sunday afternoon,

From Friday tests to sleepovers.

I am from imaginative friends and secret crushes,

From converse and t-shirts.

I am from everywhere I have been,

From never knowing what comes next.

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