I roam places | Teen Ink

I roam places

January 8, 2021
By Shambhavi PLATINUM, Rourkela, Other
Shambhavi PLATINUM, Rourkela, Other
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stars are made to shine in the sky✨✨🤘...

I roam places

my face

stuck with

the black cloth mask



sulphur and carbon

walking the pavement

stony grey

with hurried footprints

trees and flowers

sigh in the smoke

their bodies grey

and black


I reach home


the polluted air

sit on the sofa


beyond repair

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for one of my friends who suffers from asthma. This also points out towards pollution and how it affects people with severe heath conditions.

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