beauty in death | Teen Ink

beauty in death

February 26, 2021
By kdreams BRONZE, Science Hill, Kentucky
kdreams BRONZE, Science Hill, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

the end of a life well-lived

but would it have ever been well-lived if the day it ended never came?

like the leaves falling from the tree

each autumn means their end

but each autumn brings beauty and heat and light and fun.

like the loss of a pet

whose bucket list you completed for their last days

but would their days be filled with so much love if the end never came?

it’s tragic, i know. 

it’s ugly and it hurts and we hate it more than anything else. 

but without it, we’d have all the time in the world.

and with that, why would we need to hug our friends just a little tighter every time we said goodbye?

why would we need to start this journey today because, oh, i can just do that tomorrow?

we wouldn’t.

death brings mourning

but each day we mourn the sun seems a little brighter

the moon seems a little closer

the smell of flowers seems a little stronger.

death brings appreciation

for what we have, and may never have again

for what we could so easily lose.

The author's comments:

Death is seen as this horrible, monstrous thing that seems to creep up on us when we least expect it- and it truly is. It takes us in its grip and squeezes us until all that’s left is grief. We take comfort in our beliefs of the afterlife- that those who passed are in a better place-  but none of us truly know where we go. 

But to some, death could be a sweet relief. To those who have lived long, full lives and witnessed the end of many others. Being immortal would be so tiring.

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