Spoiler We Die In The End💔 | Teen Ink

Spoiler We Die In The End💔

March 4, 2021
By Krishna_Shah SILVER, Mumbai, Other
Krishna_Shah SILVER, Mumbai, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Spoiler we die in the end,

"We have a long life ahead of us" is what we pretend-

when tomorrow might be the last time we live,

So lets take a moment and thrive. 


All the love and hate I gather for you-

for that please sue,

I cannot forget the light you showed-

while we held hands and strode. 


Spoiler we die in the end,

We cannot get a bonus where our lives can extend,

Why fight?

When it is not right-

And then regret-

Soon forget,

No point in praying-

When we are here betraying,

But on the day you die, idle you lie-

I will remember all the memories we had,

Which will make me sad. 

The author's comments:

'Spoiler We Die In The End' shows sad consequences of hatred. 

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