How you left me... | Teen Ink

How you left me...

April 1, 2021
By Krishna_Shah SILVER, Mumbai, Other
Krishna_Shah SILVER, Mumbai, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The way you left tells me everything

And it hurts me like a bee sting

How happy were we before

For once I thought I was your lover

But the tables turned

and that’s when I learnt

You and me weren’t meant to be forever

Wish I had been a little more clever

With whom I was choosing

Turns out in the end I am the one losing


You left me on read couple of times

But that didn’t hurt me

Every morning I would wait for my phone to chime

Only to find out for so long you did not like me and that I couldn’t see

As I lost you I felt a part of me vanish

And thats when you had me perished

The author's comments:

It speaks about how a person would eagerly wait for the s/o to call back and also speaks about the happy memories which are now sad. 

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