The Twisting | Teen Ink

The Twisting

April 21, 2021
By Hava BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
Hava BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I’m twisted. It runs in the family. 

[My] tree is [bending]” to resemble parts of my mother’s tree, 

which is bent like my Grammy’s tree.

I am conscious of how I have grown

to reflect their nature, 

but young enough where I can choose

to grow differently 

in hopes of ridding our bloodline of this trait,

so I hopefully don’t pass it on

to my daughter.


The seed took root long ago. 

I mirrored what I knew 

before I figured out who I wanted to be. 

I chose no longer to nurture that part of who I am.

It is suppressed not killed,

for it is too entwined with the core of myself.


It is no longer needed or welcomed. 

Stemming from a childhood long ago 

or a lack of one 

with a poor struggling mother,

an abusive alcoholic father,

five younger helpless siblings.

The way my Grammy grew up

to twist in such a way

to handle the responsibility

I understand the reason

why she is the way she is.


My mother did not know that kind of hardship, 

yet she grew to twist in the same way. 

I too once twisted on that path,

but I no longer want to live with or pass on

the anger.

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