Same old thing | Teen Ink

Same old thing

April 29, 2021
By Larz665 BRONZE, Taylorsville, Utah
Larz665 BRONZE, Taylorsville, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Waking up gets harder everyday. They always ask what's wrong, but i never know what to say. I'm stuck in this same old loop and trying to get out, but no one can tll no matter how much i scream or shout. I'm completely alone in this wrold, i have to cover up. I ask for help and they think i'm lying, it sucks.  Living with depression in a closed down world, it can destroy a person. They all think i'm lazy or it's a phase. I'm missing classes and getting bad grades. I'm just trying to show them i'm not okay, but they don't wanna focus on my pain. I feel very sick and done with the world. I'm stuck doing the same old thing, just being sad, until someone helps me.


The author's comments:

I've dealt with extreme depression lately and writing just kinda help me get it all out.

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