Maybe | Teen Ink


April 30, 2021
By Larz665 BRONZE, Taylorsville, Utah
Larz665 BRONZE, Taylorsville, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Maybe they were right. Maybe I'm just being lazy. Maybe I'm doing this on purpose. Failing classes and hurting myself, not getting out of bed and my mind feels like a cell I can't escape. I can cry on cue, but that’s just because I'm constantly holding back tears. If I cry, I'm weak, and I have to be strong, because I have to show people it’s possible to be okay. It’s possible for things to get better one day. But at the same time i’m just a kid. I don’t need to be strong for others, I need to be safe and protected. This world has me captured in dirty chains that hold me down and prevent me from flying to a safe place, but I can't cry. If I cry , water would rust the chains and let me free, and that can’t happen because as long as I'm held down I'm strong for them. That’s what they need. So yeah, maybe they’re right and nothing is wrong. But maybe they’re not and i'm all alone.

The author's comments:

Depression sucks 

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