The Walk Forward | Teen Ink

The Walk Forward

May 19, 2021
By Joiiiiiiiiii BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Joiiiiiiiiii BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The way in which we all walk is a slow pace forward,

And it has always been that way.

Starting this walk was the act of agency

From people everywhere.

Not matter the challenges or obstacles it has always been forward

Beginning with minorities making progression possible,

Alone in their movements, 

supporting themselves in justice,

To becoming aid for one another.

Uncommon at first but importantly popular now,

There is a need of acknowledge of rights,

So the walk continues.

It has never been mentioned that this walk has been easy, 

Especially on land that is stolen.

The desire for growth keeps the continuance of the walk,

That is indeed forward. 

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