Day | Teen Ink


May 27, 2021
By Anonymous

I miss you everyday, even more today

Every second passes by like summer in july

The clock keeps going on forward and yet i keep taking a step back every minute of the day 

Why'd you do it? 

Everyday that simple question revolves around my head like the earth constantly spinning around the sun in the milky way

I wish you stayed 

I tried moving on but somehow time like people move on like if life were a game 

I try to contain my tears every time i think of you and apparently it's more often than not 

I hate that you left

I hate that you didn't care 

I hate that you killed yourself and most importantly i hate myself for wanting to hate you for it

I tried 

I swear i tried moving on but times not healing and my heart might stop beating and i- 

I want it to stop

You easily broke me apart as fast as you can say fly 

And not even a goodbye

I want to hate you 

For the day your life ended, you took a part of me with it 

You said you loved me but that day i learned how deceiving words can be, meaning something and another in between the lines 

My head screams suicide but i cant turn my mind around it 

My heads filled with mountains 

The road ain't clear

And i just can't stop thinking about you 

Everyday the road gets bumpier 

And those mountains that once grew beautiful roses now grow thorns bigger than imaginable  

It's been three years 

Your birthday 

What was once a bright new day has now become an ocean of sorrow i hope not drown on

For this is your day

The day you stopped breathing. 

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