Without My Hair | Teen Ink

Without My Hair

June 3, 2021
By Anonymous

My hair is expressive

It tells the story of my bravery and it screams ¨tread lightly¨

She's bold, she's shy, she's dangerously in love

Yes, I´m dangerously in love

In love with the thick, beautiful, confusing, forest on my head

You'd only understand its strength if you ran through it

Only see its roots if you separated the branches of love it's concealed in

Only comprehend its indecisiveness if you watered it 

It tells my personality

My hair is expressive

It breaks in the harsh hold of cotton

Expressing the pain of my ancestors

It folds when it should shine

When it should stretch

Expressing the laziness of my mornings

My hair is expressive

But it is not who I am

It is not my identity

It is not my life

It is not me

I am me, even without my hair

I am brave, I am bold, I am dangerous

I am sensitive, I am wild, I am shy, I am loving

I am indecisive, I am beautiful

I am me, even without my hair

The author's comments:

This piece is the first piece I've ever submitted that actually holds meaning. I am more than my hair and expressing that fact makes my heart happy.

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