Unchain her heart | Teen Ink

Unchain her heart

June 5, 2021
By Krishna_Shah SILVER, Mumbai, Other
Krishna_Shah SILVER, Mumbai, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What wrong has she done?

Tears in her eyes but she’s controlling,

her heart shattered and soul withered and gone,

picking up piece by piece,

now she feels alone even in crowded streets.

Why did they have to break her? Wasn’t she good enough?

she’s tired of pretending everything’s “okay”,

now in stranger’s eyes she searches for tender love and care.




She is said to be fortunate and privileged-

but without “someone” she feels trapped in a cage,

everyone she knows has left her astray,

she cries her eyes out at night when everyone’s asleep.

Are you even aware?

sometimes she forgets she’s alive she longs for help,

crosses her heart and walks those streets everyday,

jealousy builds up in her as she sees girls pretty and happy.




She wishes to be them,

countless vacation photos and friends while she cries her stream,

she has loved but never been loved,

every “I love you” is so foreign.

She listens and nods when everyone calls her-

“Depressed soul” “I don’t like your sad side”,

she is far from the good end,

everyday her minds wanders to her being doomed.

She longs to be free and happy!

as she wipes her wet cheeks from the tears she cried

The author's comments:

A girl who is tired of hearing taunts and insults, she just wants to run away but she can't...

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