Whispering Into The Dark | Teen Ink

Whispering Into The Dark

August 6, 2021
By jungletree SILVER, Lafayette, California
jungletree SILVER, Lafayette, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)" - Walt Whitman

There's whispers among people—
There's whispers in a crowd.
Sometimes they're small and harmless
but they're mostly harsh and loud.

There's whispers about secrets, 
and things already known,
and I can't quite escape them
even deep within my home.

Sometimes they whisper truthfully,
sometimes its blatant lies,
but they cannot be distinguished
by my blurry human eyes

There's whispers about you sometimes
they tell me that you're gone
and if I dare to listen
then they'll whisper "you're alone."

Sometimes I feel empty,
I think whispers make me whole—
But am I a good person
with these whispers in my soul?

There's whispers in my heart sometimes,
there's whispers in my head,
It's hard to carry heavy things,
like whispers carved in lead. 

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