spilling paint | Teen Ink

spilling paint

August 6, 2021
By jungletree SILVER, Lafayette, California
jungletree SILVER, Lafayette, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)" - Walt Whitman

I can see you through my window
just sitting there, in the freezing air,
and I wish you were mine.
I wish you would lay down your head on my shoulder
and say my name
Do you know the attention I crave?
Do you know how much I've missed your face?
Do you know how you've broken my heart
without even trying
you've left me here crying
and nobody knows
and you'll never know
because I loved you wrong—
there's somebody else in your arms, 
there's somebody else in your heart,
I wish you were here, I wish you were mine,
I wish I could love you every single time
love, the poet, the poet,
the one who spills paint on
all of the things that they've managed to make
I write what I love, I write what I hate,
I want to be early, I'm always too late
and those three words 
shatter me into a million pieces.
you are you
and I am—

love, the poet

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