hey, I miss you | Teen Ink

hey, I miss you

August 6, 2021
By jungletree SILVER, Lafayette, California
jungletree SILVER, Lafayette, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)" - Walt Whitman

From the moment I saw you there—
you looked up at me and you smiled
and my heart did a bit of a backflip as I sat down
I looked around,
we said hello
you taught me all the things that
I had yet to know
you grabbed my hand pulling me closer
I leaned on you, not letting go
You pulled me onstage, I would never complain,
if being there meant I could see your face
Your words cut into my insides—
I spilled out my heart every time,
without even meaning to,
you meant so much,
and now you are gone,
and I wouldn't cry (until I was alone)
while I was away you felt so much like home
Thank you for grabbing my hand on the trip
Thank you for your writing, you know I loved it
thank you for laughing, and helping me dance
thank you for pulling me out of my trance.


the poet

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