fleeting away | Teen Ink

fleeting away

August 22, 2021
By poe_lena BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
poe_lena BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

strum of the guitar string                         the shabads i learned evoke no sound

               i drop the light switch                  the twilight caves into my veins; black blood

   the windows fit into their space above              i gaze at nothing but many graves

      the swing stops swinging           alarms that rung out any inessential sounds in immaturity 

             colorful hands spacing out      grey as the only strands of hair

                             turn off the gas; create a fire


          stop signs; red lights                                               no yellow or white skies above

       begging for any reflection of pity or resolution

                                   lines form on my skin; waiting to seep into the ground            origins

                 silence is the only sound                    feeling no one

         it tastes like water; soap                                       my throat seals: need plumbing


                                                          i was never here

                  - disappear into wicked clutches

The author's comments:

This piece is very dear to me since it is very messy and specifically depressing, just as I am :) Not wanting to reveal its message or real purpose, it is about everything turning off and irrational thoughts. She is all over the place and cannot seem to find a balance in her agony, however it is whatever you want it to mean to you. 

I live in Staten Island, New York and I've published a poetry book recently on amazon called, things i never said aloud. I tend to write mostly about personal experiences since those evoke different kinds of raw emotions from me as this book and my other poems do. They become relatable and aid in suffering - hopefully. 

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