He but Her | Teen Ink

He but Her

November 4, 2021
By Ladanhassan BRONZE, Laveen, Arizona
Ladanhassan BRONZE, Laveen, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What words can describe the deep grief I feel because of her existence?
The disheartening truth of knowing the fact, that he’s deeply infatuated with her
And that he cheerfully smiles and joyfully laughs, but he feels that pleasure with her…
And that he buys expensive clothes and delicate jewelry…only to bring to her
And that he writes charming and delightful messages, that are sent…individually…to her…

And he kisses her goodnight, while I am left in bed at night…alone…
I force myself asleep, so that perhaps I may dream about something I can condone

But after all that I am aware of, how could I possibly fall asleep at night?
And when delicious food is in front of me, I can’t even bare to take a bite
For the first time ever, death was more appealing to me than life
If only they never met, or if only she was never alive!
My tears could fill up a gallon from the continuous times that I have cried
But I must move on, and remember that there is indeed more to life
In order to find myself again, I must turn around and decide
To choose the right path that will leave my face with a never-ending smile.

The author's comments:

It's pretty deep, but I feel that it's relatable to many people and their feelings. I hope this is something everyone can enjoy 

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