BFF | Teen Ink


January 27, 2022
By Kingpoet2806 GOLD, Collierville, Tennessee
Kingpoet2806 GOLD, Collierville, Tennessee
19 articles 0 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
Her heart was an open book with beautiful pages and detailed lettering. She wanted people to read her story in hopes that it would make them write their own. Instead, every person who came across the pages of her heart ripped out their favorite story and took it with them. They folded back pages and bent up corners. They signed their name with sloppy writing and with a simple 'goodbye'. This book is now tucked away in the darkest parts of her, because no one wants to read a tragic story with a bad ending.

A best friend is there for laughs and for smiles

someone who'd walk with you for miles

or just sit and talk a while.

A best friend is there for your crazy and quirks,

there for your happy and there for your hurts.

to clear any shadow of sadness that lurks.

A best friend is there through thick and thin,

to make you laugh when you lose, and to cheer when you win.

Got a crazy idea? Your best friend is in!

My best friend is definitely not like the rest.

She's crazy amazing, and kind of a mess,

but I know for certain, my best friend is the best.

The author's comments:

To my best friend

who warned me not to pop the glowstick...then proceded to join me, and we ended up painting our faces with the apparently skin irritating juice.FROGGO MAN FOREVER!!!

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This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 6 2022 at 7:54 pm
Kingpoet2806 GOLD, Collierville, Tennessee
19 articles 0 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
Her heart was an open book with beautiful pages and detailed lettering. She wanted people to read her story in hopes that it would make them write their own. Instead, every person who came across the pages of her heart ripped out their favorite story and took it with them. They folded back pages and bent up corners. They signed their name with sloppy writing and with a simple 'goodbye'. This book is now tucked away in the darkest parts of her, because no one wants to read a tragic story with a bad ending.

Thank you so much! I checked out some of your work and it was amazing. check out my other poems? let me know what you think!!!!! @Afra- , thanks so much!

Afra ELITE said...
on Feb. 6 2022 at 12:41 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

Nice dedication!!! Even I love my best friend so much and we've been best friends since higher elementary schools but due to economical crises, we had to part ways before the first year of Junior High School...And in May, I shall be attending my first year in High School and still we are in touch...Distance can never break us apart as long as we're in each other's heart!!!